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Xfire 1.86

15. Januar 2008

Soeben kam das neue Update für den Xfire Client raus. Eins der besten neuen Features ist, dass man mit Xfire nun Videos aufzeichnen kann. Momentan ist diese Funktion aber noch in der Beta Phase. Ihr könnt Euch diese Option unter Extras | Optionen | Video genauer angucken.

Unter Weiterlesen gibt es den ganzen Changelog

  • Standardized and improved the system messages in group chats.
  • Fixed the ability to disable Xfire In-Game in Tools | Options | Games in case of problems.
  • Improved the rendering speed of Xfire In-Game 2.0.
  • Added the *beta* ability to capture video using Xfire. You can enable this for testing by going to Tools | Options | Video. Please read the FAQ.
  • Added Xfire In-Game 2.0 support including the mouse to the following games:

    Advent Rising
    C&C Renegade
    Cabela’s Big Game Hunter 2006
    Conquer Online
    Deer Hunter 2004
    Deer Hunter 2005
    Delta Force Black Hawk Down
    Diablo II
    Diablo II Lord of Destruction
    First Battalion
    Freedom Fighters
    Grand Theft Auto III
    Hero Online
    Heroes of the Pacific
    Hidden & Dangerous 2
    Hidden & Dangerous 2 Sabre Squadron
    Hitman 2 – Silent Assassin
    Kreedz Climbing
    Land of the Dead
    Let’s Ride! – Silver Buckle Stables
    LOTR Return of the King
    Mage Knight Apocalypse
    Mall Tycoon 2
    Marc Ecko’s Getting Up – Contents Under Pressure
    Metal Gear Solid2 Substance
    Monopoly Tycoon
    Mortyr 2
    Rise of Nations
    Rise of Nations – Thrones & Patriots
    Rubies of Eventide
    Silent Hill 3
    Silent Hill 4
    SimCities Societies
    Sonic Heroes
    Star Wars Republic Commando
    Star Wars Starfighter
    The Settlers: Rise of an Empire
    The Settlers: Heritage of Kings
    The Temple of Elemental Evil
    Trackmania Nations
    Vietcong Fist Alpha

  • New games supported: BMW M3 Challenge, Dofus, Quake (Steam), SEGA Rally Revo, Planeshift, Alpha Prime, Ghost in the Sheet, Ascension, Speedball 2 – Tournament, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Fiesta, Universe At War: Earth Assault, RACE 07, Battle for the Pacific, Warmonger – Operation: Downtown Destruction, Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, Shogun: Total War, Shaiya, The Golden Compass, and Dream Of Mirror Online.


[tags]Xfire, Update, Video[/tags]
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